ansh tak example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण Usage and Example of ansh tak 1. वे एक दूसरे से कुछ अंश तक मिलते हैं और प्राय: अस्पष्ट रूप से परिभाषित होते हैं। 2. जल प्रबंधन वहां किया जाता है जहां पर वर्षा या तो अपर्याप्त है या अनिश्चित, जो विश्व के अधिकांश क्षेत्रों में कुछ अंश तक होता है। 1. - then take the title of Union of Democrats for the Republic): there are 200,000 abstentions more than in 1967 (about 20 percent earns nearly 1 2. ! We knelt knees; someone recited the De Profundis and said, pointing to one that was no more than a memory: - Requiescat in pace Cladel, Ompdrailles, 1879, p [To translate an attitude! 3. " The consequence of this worldview is twofold; it is aesthetic: we deserve more than comedy; it is moral and individual order: we must try to survive without trying to make the world better 4. "He was a pupil of his father David, and unfortunately, it took much more than in the first second master" summed up the first edition of the biographical dictionary Bénézit in 1924 5. "It took more than half a century, he notes, to tame the academies on the continent with the attraction

Given are the examples of hindi word ansh tak usage in english sentences. The examples of ansh tak are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., more than.

You laugh more than necessary.आप ज़रूरत से ज़्यादा हंसते हैं|

Each cell is expected to have at least one factor or ability; some cells may have more than one factor.
A bright child s MA is more than her/his CA; for a dull child, MA is below the CA.
Thus, a person who has the ability to learn faster and reproduce accurately may be considered intelligent more than creative unless s/he devises new ways of learning and doing.
org is the website of a consumer organisation working in India for more than 20 years.
Similarly, one can protest and complain if someone sells a good at more than the printed price on the packet.
There are today more than 700 consumer groups in the country of which only about 20-25 are well organised and recognised for their work.
As the Company traders moved to Bombay, Calcutta (present-day Kolkata) and Madras (present-day Chennai), Masulipatnam lost both its merchants and prosperity and declined in the course of the eighteenth century, being today nothing more than a dilapidated little town.
His first journey took more than a year; he reached Calicut in 1498, and returned to Lisbon, the capital of Portugal, the following year.
If instructions are received from more than one, it creates confusion, conflict and disorder in the organisation.
संबंधित शब्द अंश तक के पर्यायवाची